Community Support

Our Community Commitment

At Kennedy Real Estate, we are not just a local business; we are active members of the communities we proudly serve. We take immense pride in our ability to lend a helping hand and provide support where it's needed most. 

Over the years, we have actively participated in and supported various local initiatives, demonstrating our commitment to making a positive impact.

Supporting Local Causes

We believe in the power of community and the strength that comes from working together. That's why we have consistently supported local schools, community facilities, clubs, and events that contribute to the vibrancy and well-being of our neighbourhoods.

From sponsoring school fetes and local fairs to actively participating in club events and community sporting activities, we are dedicated to making a difference. We recognize the value of providing our children with a well-rounded education and supporting their growth through school and extracurricular activities. As a family-run business, we understand the importance of investing in the future of our community's youth.